Welcome Vikings!

Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 school year!

We are so excited to get the kids back to school, reconnect with old friends, and meet all the new families starting their first year at Valle Verde. The Valle Verde PTA (VVPTA) is an integral part of the school in that it fundraises for items not covered by the school, as well as organizes and funds community events.

VVPTA also serves as a forum for parents to obtain knowledge and voice their opinions about what is happening in their school. Our operations are powered exclusively by community volunteers and donations. We hope you will consider supporting VVPTA in whatever capacity is comfortable for your family. No donation or volunteer commitment is too small, and we appreciate your participation!

We’re happy to answer your questions and can’t wait to see you around campus and at our PTA meetings (held on the second Tuesday of the month). If you'd like a little help navigating the what's what and the what's it all means, start here. We have info on Scouting, common acronyms, and more. Don't see what you're looking for? Contact us!

  • The Valle Verde Elementary School PTA is a registered 501c(3) non-profit organization led by parent volunteers committed to supporting an enhanced learning environment at Valle Verde. Funds raised by the PTA directly benefit Valle Verde’s students, teachers, and staff. Our Tax ID # is 68-0259821.

  • The school website is the primary source of information distributed for our school. View the Valle Verde website here.

  • Check out this welcome page for new families.

So what do you do next?

Donate to the Viking Fund

Our goal is to raise $100,000. Viking Fund donations are an important part of the PTA’s budget. Every dollar donated to the Viking Fund goes toward PTA activities and initiatives.

  • Dollar-a-Day - $365 Per Student 

  • Sail into Excellence - $550 Per Student

  • Viking Strong - $750 Per Student

  • Choose Your Own - You Specify Amount

The VVPTA is a registered 501c(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible. If your employer has a matching funds program, you can double your money with minimal effort.


Seeking new, creative, & diverse voices

We encourage all families to become members of the Valle Verde PTA. Membership is $12.75 per person and must be renewed annually (financial assistance available -- no family should be discouraged by membership dues).

PTA Membership Fee

To participate in events and volunteer

Sign your waivers if you plan on participating in volunteer or PTA activities with Valle Verde. Thank you in advance!

We’ve Got Spirit!


For bulk orders please contact vvptaprez@gmail.com

More Merch and Spirit Wear to come… Stay Tuned!