Valle Verde PTA

About the PTA

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a partnership between parents and educators who strive to enhance student learning and enrich the lives of the students within the school. An integral part of the school, the PTA fundraises for items not covered by school budgets, including Instructional Aides, a Reading Intervention Specialist, Garden Science education, software, technology devices, art enrichment, teaching supplies, playground equipment, and more. It is also a forum for parents to obtain knowledge and voice their opinions about what is happening in their school.

100% Volunteer Organization

The Valle Verde PTA is a 100% volunteer-run and led organization. We rely on your support by volunteering your time, skills, and/or your financial donations. Learn all about all our volunteer opportunities and connect with us here.


We encourage all families to become members of the Valle Verde PTA. Membership is $12.75 per person and must be renewed annually (financial assistance available -- no family should be discouraged by membership dues).

PTA Membership Fee


Valle Verde PTA Meetings
Second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting CLICK HERE
Meeting ID: 760 300 6921 

A 501(c)(3) Organization

Valle Verde is part of the California PTA (CAPTA). As a member of CAPTA, Valle Verde PTA is exempt from taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your annual gift to the Viking Fund is 100% tax-deductible. (EIN: 68-0259821)


Meet the 2024 - 2025 PTA Board

Jessica Hunt


Presides over meetings, coordinates officers/committees, and prepares the annual report.

Lindy Sullivan

VP Communications

Promotes PTA’s impact on children and families, manages communications, and updates the website.

Jennifer Enzweiler


Manages detailed financial records, reports budget status at meetings, and tracks expenditures.

Jane Klinger


Documents proceedings of all PTA and Executive Board meetings.

Tyler Epting

VP Safety

Manages the school’s safety plans and coordinates the annual safety review.

Jessica Young


Reviews bylaws annually, chairs the Bylaws Review Committee, and oversees the Nominating Committee.

Tracks and reports volunteer hours to the California State PTA.

Kari Chau
